(you come & entertain me,
you come & educate me
we're making all th ppl moving like the bumble bee
just forget about the school
as well as loony shoes
just move along the party babe except you want the loo
papa's coming soon
so catch the party tune
you know I want it really high don't eat the humble pie
don't care about the style
I know it worth a trial
so put it on and on until you feel like playing lego)
等不到好戲上演 可以等看妳變臉
這麼多短褲吊帶 都會起舞到處擺
(you gimme honey cherry
I think we're going crazy
I think we need a kiss or two to keep us real busy
come laugh & take a photo
you know I've got a lomo
keep talkin' talkin' talk d'you want to make a bubble
I'm mixing super lover
with tinky winky sugar
keep shakin' shakin' shakin' shake until the show is over
Gimme swimming pool, fansy shoes, no fool,
I want some better enterainment & a big hug too)
Yeah 精彩得不可錯過
Yeah 要妳今天喜愛我
Yeah 精彩得不可錯過
Yeah 要妳今天喜愛我