Super Girls - 放過我吧

填詞:天旋 / Enzo Siu

Respect gonna be earned and it seems you gonna lose some Oppa
Turnaround, Doggy go where else, I dun need you on my ground
Hey, dun be a clown, truly believe I want your diamond crown
We ain't material girls, we are the Super Girls
I repeat we are the Super Girls
We wanna be nice while you make the task high
Always saying "You gonna be mine"
We do aims for the sky, with sidekicks by the side
But I'm sorry, you ain't my type

怎麼搞的 誰話要你接送
去吹西北風 吸廢氣那麼蠢更開篷
真不識好歹 誰自告的奮勇
要幫手搬屋 打碎祖先陶瓷 你怎能奉送

識得支持我嗎 事業優先我不凡
識得包容我嗎 要肯坐冷板
識得解悶夠嗎 用冷笑話的轟炸真是煩

你放過我吧 真不想再指罵 怎麼解釋先會頑石都點化
你放過我吧 即使做牛做馬 
你地位不過僕役 難道你妄想可當陛下 現在奉命退下

真的假的 難道對我破費
送高級東西 想我折腰擺擺尾巴下跪
真不知羞恥 胡亂碰打破忌諱
我規矩得體 一腳踢開自衛 你不如自謚

識得尊重我嗎 絕密私隱也侵犯
識得體諒我嗎 我不吃快餐
識得演技夠嗎 受了氣仍哈哈笑不汗顏

你放過我吧 真的不想再指罵
你放過我吧 講清楚還未化
你放過我吧 怎麼先聽教聽話 等足一生一世其實太肉麻 
你殺了我吧 誇張得竟流淚嗎 
顧及面子覺悟吧 柔弱過女人真不像話 好心自動退下

When you say you love me (I think you ain't)
Turning my world upside down (Dun think you can)
Buy me stuffs, wanna me to hang around (Too bad, you can't)
Losing my soul to be your dolly, com'mom (We are more than that)